Magnus Eriksson

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden +46 (0) 70 559 44 64


Selected Research Projects

2022 -- 2024 Arbetsliv under covid-19-pandemin

Asks what we can learn from the experiences from remote and hybrid work during covid-19 to make worklife more inclusive for people with disabilities.


Human-centric Cybersecurity

Building a Nordic network of researchers in Human-centric cybersecurity


Nudging in Cybersecurity

Explores the use and utility of nudges in enabling or destabilizing cybersecurity.


Malmö Citizen Climate tool

Part of developing a tool for Malmö Stad to engage citizens in climate dialogues.


DIGG Citizen Dialogues

Conducted citizen dialogues about a future vision for public digital services for DIGG.

2020 -- 2021

Open Trust

Explores the role and mechanisms of trust in cybersecurity and privacy-sensitive digital systems.

2020 -- 2021

Civic Tech Platform

Growing the Swedish Civic Tech ecosystem.

2019 -- 2022

Norm-creative Crisis Preparedness

Explores and co-designs communication strategies and methods for supporting crisis preparedness and responses before and during times of crisis.

2017 -- 2019


Working with Gota Media and iMatrics to develop a news recommendation that takes readers outside their filter bubbles.



Working the Minclusion project at Chalmers and Gothenburg University to develop a mobile app supporting newly arrived Swedes with integration


Malmö Stad Citizen Engagement Framework.

Working the Malmö Stad on a supporting framework for how to handle fake news, hateful comments and citizen engagement in social media channels.

2016 -- 2020


Air and Water Internet of things: Using realtime environmental data to create citizen engagement with sustainable air and water. With Universeum and Gothenburg City among others.


Digital Culture Strategi Västra Götalandsregionen.

Commissioned report to regional government for the new digital culture strategy.


Electricity Innovation Challenge.

Open innovation challenge for innovations that can make tomorrow’s bus trips more attractive.

2014 -- 2016


Developing new museum experiences with an aim towards accessibility and sustainable cities.


Smart Cities: Innovativa eGovernance-system.

Innovative eGovernance systems for administration and citizen participation.

2013 -- 2014


Experiential learning teaching children to program, solder and create digital innovations.

2012 -- 2014


FP7 project exploring new forms of social interactions and experiences at live events made possible by future internet technologies.

2009 -- 2012

Together Anywhere, Together Anytime (TA2).

Integrated project within FP7 exploring internet-based technologies for supporting social relations through video-based group-to-group communication.


Journals and Book Chapters

Eriksson, M., Nilsson, E. M., & Lundälv, J. (2023). A Scoping Review of Research Exploring Working Life Practices of People with Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic (1). 25(1), Article 1.

Lundälv, J., Nilsson, E., & Eriksson, M. (2022). Covid-19 Pandemic Coping Strategies in a Complex Landscape of Crisis Communication: A Participatory Study with Disability Organisations in Sweden. Baltic Screen Media Review, 10, 140–161.

Nilsson, E., Lundälv, J., & Eriksson, M. (2022). Design opportunities for future development of crisis communication technologies for marginalised groups – Co-designing with Swedish disability organisations. Journal of Enabling Technologies.

Hemström, Kerstin, Myrén, Per, Gillberg Daniel & Eriksson Magnus (2021) ‘Engaging people of different needs to create a better city for all: FunkTek’ in Hemström, Kerstin AND Simon, David AND Palmer, Henrietta AND Perry, Beth AND Pork, Merritt (Ed.) Transdisciplinary Knowledge Co-production: A Guide for Sustainable Cities

Eriksson, Magnus. 2017. The Normativity of Automated Driving: A Case Study of Embedding Norms in Technology. Information and Communications Technology Law 0 (0): 1–12.

Eriksson, Magnus. Palmås, Karl. 2016. Laboratory Urbanism in Schladming. In Deleuze and the City, edited by Frichot, Hélène, Catharina Gabrielsson, and Jonathan Metzger. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Eriksson, Magnus. 2010. Using Social Science in Design. In User Centric Media, edited by Daras, Petros and Oscar Mayora Ibarra. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.

Conference Papers

Nilsson, E. M., Lundälv, J., & Eriksson, M. (2023, June 28). Teleworking Life of Disabled Workers in Sweden – Promoting Autonomy and Emancipation, or not? ALTER 2023 European Society for Disability Research 11th conference annuelle “Protection, Autonomie, Emancipation”, Paris.

Lundälv, J., Eriksson, M., & Nilsson, E. (2023, May 12). Co-designing future working life for people with disabilities. Learning from experiences gained during the Covid-19 pandemic. Oral presentation at the NNDR 16th Research Conference (Nordic Network on Disability Research, 10-12 May in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Lundälv, J., Eriksson, M., Nilsson, E., & Lindberg, L. (2022, March 17). Conducting remote participatory research of disability and Covid-19 via disability organisations in Sweden – A valid method? 6th International Conference on Disability and Development: Disability and COVID-19., London.

Eriksson, M., Lundälv, J., & Nilsson, E. M. (2021). Challenging norms of crisis communication and preparedness by listening to voices from the (dis)ability movement in Sweden. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRISIS AND RISK COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE. ICRC, Orlando.

Eriksson, Magnus & Nilsson, Elisabeth (2020) ‘72 Hours Offline: Reliance of Real-time Information Access as Vulnerability in a Crisis Situation’ in EASST/4S Conference, Prague

“Regulating Complexity: the Swedish Co-production of Law and Technology in Autonomous Driving.” 4S/EASST Conference, Barcelona, 2016

“Participatory Design for Accessibility: The Case of the Funktek Pilots.” Nordic Network of Disability Research 13th Research Conference, Bergen, 2015.

“Digital Fabrication by IDAC – Aims, Steps and Transferable Principles.” FabLearn Europe, Aarhus, 2014.

“Piracy, Code and Law.” On the Move: ACSIS conference, Norrköping, 2013.

“The Hot Line Riots as Media Archaeological Artifact.” RENEW 2013, Riga, 2013.

“Elite Sports Training as Model for Future Internet Practices.” European Sociological Association Conferences, Torino, 2013.

“A Community of Those Who Have Nothing in Common: Norms in Hackerspaces.” The Normative Anatomy of Society, Lund, 2012.

“Future Internet beyond Copyright.” Future Internet Assembly, Ghent, 2010.

Other Publications

Lundälv, Jörgen, Eriksson, Magnus, & Nilsson, Elisabet. M. (2023). Working life of people with disabilities during the Covid-19 pandemic An interview study conducted in Sweden. University of Gothenburg.

European Commission. 2022. Opportunities and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies for the Cultural and Creative Sectors.

Lundälv, Jörgen, Nilsson, Elisabet M. & Eriksson, Magnus (2021) Rapport 1: Normkreativ krisberedskap [Elektronisk resurs] Ett forskningsprojekt med syftet att utveckla metoder som stärker allmänhetens beredskap inför och hantering av samhällskriser såsom pandemier

Eriksson, Magnus. 2018. Chapter in Folkbildning och lekfullhet lockar 25-35-åringar. Medier och Demokrati

Eriksson, Magnus. 2016. Funktek Forskningsrapport 2.0. Gothenburg: Funktek.

Eriksson, Magnus. 2014. Acceleration, Piratbyrån och Manifesta 7. Paletten, (295).

Eriksson, Magnus. 2012. Political Participation Among Youth in the Edgeryders Project. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

Invited Talks

Länsstyrelserna och Myndigheten för Delaktighet, nätverksträff i funktionshindersuppdraget, Stockholm, 2023

PSFunk – Funktionsrättsfrågor i höstens val och tillgänglighet i kris, Swedish Radio, 2022

Nordic Summer University, Berlin, 2020

Vetenskapsfestivalen, Göteborg, 2018

SFIS, Gothenburg Book Fair, 2017

MISTRA Urban Lunch Time, Gothenburg, 2016

Eyebeam, New York, 2013

SHARE, Rijeka, 2013

Nordic Work Environment Meeting, Lund University, 2011.

Postópolis, Mexico City, 2010.

Peer to Peer Economies conference, Milan University, 2009.

Festival Transitio MX, Mexico City, 2009.

Moscow Book Fest, Moscow, 2009.

Laboratoriet för Spontankultur, Malmö, 2008


Interaction Design (BA Course in Culture Studies), Gothenburg University, 2017

Programmed Cultures (BA Course in Culture Studies), Gothenburg University, 2016

Social Innovation in a Digital Context (MA Course), Lund University Internet Institute, 2015.

Prototyping in Interaction Design (MA course), IT-University of Gothenburg, 2012-2016.

To tell the Truth (MA course), Konstfack University College of Art, Stockholm, 2007.

Art, Exhibitions, group shows

F.A.T. GOLD: SF, Gray Area, San Fransisco, 2015.

Piratbyrån and Friends, Furtherfield, London, 2014

GIF and the City, Piksel, Bergen, 2013.

GIF and the City, Gwangju Media Festival, Gwangju, 2013.

F.A.T. GOLD, Eyebeam, New York, 2013.

SNEL HEST, Alingsås konsthall, Alingsås, 2012.

Fuck Google, Transmediale, Berlin, 2011.

Lecture Performance, Fotodokumenti 02, Belgrade, 2010.

Object-oriented Therapy Center, Interactivos ’10, Belo Horizonte, 2010.

Embassy of Piracy, Venice Biennial, Venice, 2009.

Award of Distinction, Ars Electronica, Linz, 2009.

Shuffle == Terror, Transmediale, Berlin, 2009.

S23M, Manifesta 7, Bolzano, 2008.

S23X, HAIP 08, Ljubljana, 2008.

Ownage, Who Makes and Owns Your Work, Stockholm, 2007.